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Cached Response

The cached response feature enables you to store and reuse responses from the target server, optimizing performance and reducing throughput usage. This feature is available for users with Lite, Starter, and Pro subscription plans.

Using x-corsfix-cache

To use cached response, include the x-corsfix-cache header in your request.


fetch("<TARGET_URL>", {
headers: {
"x-corsfix-cache": "true",

With this, you can:

  • Cache responses to avoid hitting the target server constantly.
  • Go beyond your plan throughput capacity, as requests with cached responses do not count towards the throughput capacity.
  • Improve performance and latency, because the content is served from a global edge CDN around the world.

Cache Behavior

For cached responses, we modify the response headers:

  • Set Cache-Control to public.
  • Remove Expiration header.
  • Remove Set-Cookie header.

This feature is only available for GET requests, with cache TTL fixed at 2 hours.