CORS Tester
Test CORS online with any URL for free. Enter your URL and origin to check for CORS.
Test Configuration
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is this CORS Tester tool about?
The CORS checker is a free tool by Corsfix that helps you to check whether a given URL supports cross origin requests or not. You can test any URL for free without registration.
How to use the CORS Tester?
Enter the URL you want to test and the origin making the request. Click on the 'Test' button to see if the request will succeed or be blocked by CORS. You can also adjust the request method, headers, and body.
How does the CORS Tester work?
The CORS tester works by simulating a CORS request to the given URL. Allowing you to test if the URL supports CORS or not, without having to test CORS using other application such as with Postman.
What is Origin?
Origin is where the request is coming from. It is the domain of the website that is making the request. For example, if you are testing a request from, then is the origin.
What is Corsfix?
Corsfix is the CORS Proxy that lets you access any web resource without CORS errors. If you are trying to fetch a URL you don't own that doesn't support CORS, Corsfix can help you access that URL without getting CORS errors.
Say Goodbye to CORS Errors
With comprehensive documentation, easy-to-use APIs, and advanced features, you can focus on building your website without worrying about CORS.