7 Key CORS Terms Every Developer Should Know

by Reynaldi •

Ever stumbled on a CORS error and wondered, “Do I really know CORS?” If you’re a developer working with APIs or cross-origin requests, understanding these terms can save you lots of time and headaches.

1. Same Origin Policy (SOP)

The Same Origin Policy is a security measure implemented in browsers. Its main job is to prevent scripts on one origin from interacting with resources on a different origin. In other words, it’s there to stop potentially harmful cross-site interactions.

When you’re developing web applications, SOP can sometimes feel like an obstacle. But remember, it’s there for a reason, to keep things secure. When you run into issues with fetching data from different origins, understanding SOP is your first step to troubleshooting.

2. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It’s the mechanism that allows you to relax the strict rules of the Same Origin Policy. Instead of having all cross-origin requests not allowed, CORS lets a server specify which origins are allowed to access its resources.

If you’re building an app that relies on multiple APIs or microservices hosted on different domains, CORS is your best friend. It gives you the flexibility to specify exceptions safely without compromising security.

3. Origin

In CORS, the term “Origin” refers to the combination of the scheme (http/https), hostname, and an optional port. For example, https://example.com:8080 is one origin. This value is used to determine whether a request is allowed based on the rules set by the server.

Origin structure Origin structure

4. Access-Control-Allow-Origin

This header is sent by the server in response to a CORS request. It tells the browser which origins are allowed to access the resource. For example, you might see Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://yourdomain.com in the response headers.

Key points:

Terminal window
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://yourdomain.com

Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

5. Preflight Request

Before sending certain types of requests (especially those that might modify data or use custom headers), the browser sends an OPTIONS request. This “preflight” request checks with the server to see if the actual request is safe to send.

Key points:

6. Opaque Response

Sometimes, you might encounter a suggestion to use mode: no-cors to bypass CORS errors. While this might seem like a quick fix, it results in an “opaque response”, a response you can’t read or inspect.

Key points:

Opaque Response Example Opaque Response Example

7. CORS Proxy

A CORS proxy is a service that you can use when you need to access a resource you don’t control that doesn’t include the necessary CORS headers. The proxy makes the request on your behalf and then returns the data with the appropriate headers added.

Corsfix - Fast & Unlimited CORS Proxy Corsfix - Fast & Unlimited CORS Proxy


Now that you’ve got a solid understanding of these key CORS terms, you’re better equipped to handle cross-origin requests in your projects. Remember, each term plays a specific role in how browsers enforce and relax the Same Origin Policy.

If you find yourself needing to bypass CORS errors, check out Corsfix, it’s free to start, and you can upgrade when you go to production.

Say Goodbye to CORS Errors

With comprehensive documentation, easy-to-use APIs, and advanced features, you can focus on building your website without worrying about CORS.